October 29, 2023 - January 7, 2024
Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Sunday Services: 10:30 AM
In-Person & Live Streamed


Our Ministries

Jesus taught, “Love one another as I have loved you.”
Ministry means service. As we minister to others, we express our faith.
Each ministry at Holy Trinity reflects Jesus’ teachings and the love our Lord demonstrated for others.

Discipleship Ministry

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always to the close of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

The mission of Discipleship is the mission of the great command to make disciples by GOing out to evangelize, by TEACHing those who seek to grow in faith and biblical knowledge, and by SUPPORTing those in need of comfort and encouragement.

We are all a part of the Discipleship Ministry because everything we do after our baptism is discipleship. Whether it is to empower us to go and tell about Jesus, engage with visitors, provide for lifelong learning for adults, blanket those in need with prayers or provide devotional resources for daily spiritual growth, discipleship is part of our everyday life. This Ministry supports us all in our daily walk with the Lord.

Prayer Ministry

“Ask and it shall be given unto you.” (Matthew 7:7)

Prayer undergirds everything we do. Via an internet chain of committed individuals, prayers are lifted up for members and non-members alike. Cards are sent to those being prayed for. The Prayer chapel is available daily for prayer and meditation. Our Prayer Garden offers a peaceful place for meditation and reflection.

Christian Education

“…teaching them all I have commanded.” (Matthew 28:20)

Christian Education includes a pattern of lifelong learning. Educational opportunities for Baptism and Holy Communion preparation are offered as needed. Contact the church office at 301-725-1666 or htlc@htlclaurel.org to schedule.

Sunday School is available for children aged 2 through adults. It is held weekly Sunday mornings from September through early June. Vacation Bible School occurs each summer for one week. Adult study centers around biblical, confessional, and current topics.

Confirmation Class is provided for middle school students who are preparing to make their Affirmation of Baptism. It includes a study of the Old and New Testaments and Luther’s Small Catechism and occurs during the Sunday School hour on Sundays.

A Senior High discussion-centered program integrating current affairs with Biblical texts and principals meets during the Sunday School hour.

Tables of Eight is our lay-lead bible studies that take place in homes or at church. Individuals may join another group or create their own small group bible study. This ministry is administered by the Discipleship ministry.

Other bible study opportunities include a monthly Men’s Breakfast and Study, weekly Pastor’s Bible Study, a Lenten Study and Beer, Brats and the Bible Fellowship and Study usually done quarterly around a Biblical topic.

Youth and Young Adult Ministries

“This is what you were called for, seeing that Christ also suffered for you and left you an example so that you might follow in His steps.” (1 Peter 2:21)

Our Youth Ministry calling themselves L.O.U.D. (Living Our Ultimate Destiny), encourages young people in 6th-12th grades to develop a closer relationship with Jesus and with one another through special opportunities for fellowship, service, prayers, and education.

Our Young Adult Ministry extends the relationships our youth establish to their lives beyond high school. Join our Facebook Group! 

Both ministries are centered in service activities, including mission trips; retreats, sponsored locally and nationally; times of worship and study; and times of fun and fellowship.

Sassy Seniors

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you.” (Isaiah 46:4)

Sassy Seniors ministry was created in August 2018. This group came up with a unique reason for existing; they are a ministry for seniors (age 50+) that provides activities and opportunities for fellowship and service. Ideally, Sassy Seniors will complete a service or fellowship activity once each quarter. The group has previously attended plays at the Laurel Mill Playhouse, prepared brown bag lunches for Elizabeth House (a local soup kitchen), and prepared dinner during the Men's Winter Shelter (one week during winter the church houses homeless men).

Community Action Ministry

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” (Hebrews 6:10)

From a fund for members in financial need to sending scholarship money to support the education of students in Liberia, this ministry serves local, national, and international areas of need. The congregation is encouraged to “walk the walk” of their faith through service to others.

The Community Action Ministry takes action to help those who are less fortunate in our community. They support local organizations by volunteering in activities that benefit area residents, the homeless, as well as others in need.

Besides the organizations that HTLC supports listed under Resources, the congregation also helps the following organizations through volunteering or financial support:

Winter Shelter - During the winter months, Laurel area faith communities house, feed, and supervise homeless men and women for one week at each location.

Fellowship and Hospitality Ministry

“They broke bread…and ate together with glad and generous hearts…” (Acts 2:46)

At Holy Trinity we enjoy gathering in fellowship. If we can find an excuse to gather around coffee and food, we do it! Some of these opportunities are coffee hour on Sunday mornings, a summer outdoor picnic, a funeral luncheon, or the Lenten Soup Suppers. All engagements provide an opportunity for fellowship with one another. This ministry is always ready to show hospitality to the visitor and to gather us together in fellowship.

Property Ministry

“Build a temple for the name of the Lord my God.” (1 Kings 5:5)

God’s house is cared for both inside and outside. A spring and fall clean-up day and ongoing maintenance serve to create a safe, welcoming space for community groups as well as congregational worship and activities.

Generosity Ministry

“See that you also excel in this grace of giving.” (2 Cor 8:7a)

Everything we say and do after we say, “I believe”, reflects a heart thankful for the generosity of God in our lives. This generosity extends to the ways we use our time, our talents, and our financial resources, as well as the ways we care for creation and for our neighbors, both near and far.

Finance Ministry

“…to ask alms of those who enter the temple…” (Acts 3:2)

This ministry oversees the income and expenses of the church and prepares a yearly budget for the congregation’s approval.

Giving is made convenient in two ways. First, by clicking the “give online” option on our website homepage and second, through Simply Giving (VANCO). Both allow your commitment to be regular, consistent, and faithfully fulfilled. Both are simple. Simply Giving is done by filling out a form which can be obtained in the Welcome Center or from our financial secretary (see email address below) with your intended weekly gift and the day(s) you want it withdrawn from your bank account.

Submit the form to the financial secretary at financialsecretary@htlclaurel.org. Envelopes are also available should you desire to place your gifts in the offering plate. And if your finances change, your commitment can easily be adjusted!

Endowment Ministry

“…will long enjoy the works of their hands.” (Isaiah 65:22)

With an eye toward the future, this ministry oversees an Endowment Fund that allows members and friends to leave a legacy gift to the congregation with the confidence it will serve the church well into the future.

Worship and Music Ministry

“And day by day attending the Temple together…” (Acts 2:46)

We Lutherans have a rich history of fine worship and quality music dating back to the Reformation with Martin Luther and J.S. Bach. At Holy Trinity, one of our gifts is music that touches the soul.

We have choral, handbell and instrumental groups that share their skills at weekly worship as well as concerts throughout the year.

Our worship is expressed through the ancient liturgical form and a more contemporary style. In both, Word, Music and Sacrament are primary.

Sunday Servants are our volunteers who support our services as assisting ministers, ushers, communion assistants, candle lighters, and Altar Guild. We are so blessed by their willingness to serve our worship services.

Information and Technology Ministry

“…tell my brethren…” (Matthew 28:10)

The Information Technology (IT) Ministry serves to maintain and enhance the congregation’s communications through existing and new technologies. Online and live-streamed worship, cameras for safety, maintaining our many computers and being connected via the internet are all part of the mission of this ministry.

Communications Ministry

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” (Proverbs 25:11)

The mission of the Communications Ministry is to facilitate communication within the congregation and between the congregation and the community.

Maintaining a presence on the web as well as social media sites enhances our ability to “go into all the world.” Communications Ministry continues to find different ways to communicate with our membership, and especially to reach out to our community.