Sunday School: 9:00 AM | Sunday Services: 10:00 AM
In-Person & Live Streamed


How Does One Join Holy Trinity?

“ we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” (Romans 12:5)

Worship with Us

The best way to get to know us is to worship with us! Our worship time is posted on the home page. We have special services for Holy Week and an annual Christmas concert, Christmas pageant and a Music Sunday (in June).

Grow with Us

From Mid-September—Early June we gather weekly for Sunday School/Christian Education. There is a program for children ages 2-grade 5, Confirmation Classes for children grades 6-8, Senior High Discussion Class for grades 9-12, and an Adult Class for post-high school.

Between Sundays, we have numerous Bible Studies with some occurring weekly and others monthly. Some are lay led, and some are led by the Pastor. Contact the church office for current groups and times.

Serve with Us

We are called to a life of service. Find your place to serve others. There are many opportunities available from small tasks to large projects.

Join Us

Please contact the church office (301-725-1666 or to let us know of your interest in officially joining the congregation.

If you are transferring from another Lutheran church or coming from another Christian denomination, email the church office or call 301-725-1666. We’ll request your transfer letter for you.

If you don’t belong to a church, you may join Holy Trinity by profession of faith. Speak with the pastor for more information.

If you are a new Christian seeking Holy Baptism, please phone or email the pastor (see the phone number and email address above) to talk about how best to join Holy Trinity.