Sunday School: 9:00 AM | Sunday Services: 10:00 AM
In-Person & Live Streamed


Visitor’s Welcome

“Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” (Romans 15:7)

What is more wonderful than the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ? We are not a group of perfect people, but we are a community who is gathered together in the name of Jesus to joyfully worship, grow, and serve Him.

Holy Trinity is for everyone! Our service is shaped both by the historic liturgical tradition and a more contemporary musical experience. Service includes singing as an expression of praise and worship to God, a children’s time, readings from the scriptures, the Pastor’s sermon, prayers for the needs of the world and for one another.

Holy Communion is central to our worship. We have an open altar where all are welcome. Holy Communion is offered each Sunday during our service and at special services.

Baptisms are scheduled with families by request. Contact one of the Pastors. Pastor Justina's email address is and Pastor Lehman's email address is

We are respectful of God’s altar and sanctuary yet our attire for fellowship is casual. Some will be in formal or traditional attire, while others will be more casually dressed.

Families with children are always welcome in our worship service. We have coloring books and crayons available near the doors to the sanctuary. We also have a nursery where the service can be heard for parents who need space to comfort children or breast feed.

Just outside the entrance to the sanctuary, you will find a guest book to sign. During your visit, please be sure to introduce yourself to our pastor(s) and others gathering for worship.

Fellowship time occurs regularly in our Welcome Center with hot coffee, tea, hot chocolate and “goodies” of some sort!

Sunday School, for children 2 years through adults, is held each Sunday morning from September to early June. We also have Vacation Bible School (VBS) during the summer. You will be most welcome to attend.

We look forward to seeing you!